14 MARCH 1840, Page 6

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THE Queen gave a state dinner on Monday to Queen Adelaide ; who was received in the grand hall of Buckingham Palace by Prince Albert, and conducted to the state-room by his Royal Highness. The dinner- company included the Duke of Wellington, Earl Howe, Lord Mel- bourne, and the Duke and Dutehess of Sutherland. Her Majesty en- tertained an evening party, to which the Foreign Ambassadors were invited, and a small number of the nobility. We notice among the guests the Countess of Durham, the Marquis and Marchioness of Lon- donderry, Lady Seymour, Miss Forester, the Duke and Dutchess of Beaufort, and the Earl and Countess of Chesterfield.

On Tuesday evening, the Queen aud Prince Albert went to Covent Garden Theatre.

Courts were held on Wednesday and yesterday at Buckingham Palace ; when many addresses of congratulation on her marriage were presented to the Queen.

The Royal dinner-party, on Thinrsday, included the Archbishop of Canterbury and Mrs. Howley, the Earl and Countess of Tankerville, and the Earl of Cardigan. It appears front the list of the Palace guests this week, that the Con- servative nobility are no longer excluded from participation in the Royal hospitalities.