gbc Vrobinres.
General Trevor, finding he had no chance of success in Lewes, noti- fied his resignation to Lord Cantelupe's Committee on Saturday morn- ing, and on Monday the Tory Lord was elected without opposition. 'Fite Morning Chronicle attributes the defeat of the Whig candidate to extensive bribery by the Tories, and to General Trevor's refusal to sup- port a motion for the total repeal of the Corn-laws. "During the can- vass," says the Chronicle, "General Trevor has had to contend with the determination of the Reforming electors to obtain a repeal of the Corn- laws. So great has been the demand for a total repeal, even in this agricultural borough, that the Reforming candidate was questioned in at least one half of the houses he entered, as to his opinions upon the vital motion to be brought forward by Mr. Villiers on the 21;th instant."
The Shrfibrdshire _Examiner mentions, as a capital joke, that the Shrewsbury- Tories have fixed upon Mr. Disraeli as their second candi- date at the next election.
A correspondent of the Globe says, that Mr. Walmesley, Mayor of Liverpool, will be brought forward by the Liberals of that town on a dissolution of Parliament.
A Devonport correspondent has directed our attention to a few more of Lord Minto's electioneering performances—" Lieutenant John Thompson, R.N., living at Stonehonse, (voted for Mr. Tuffnell,) is appointed to a place at Gibraltar, under Sir John Sinclair, at 300/. per annum, besides his half-pay. The youngest son of Dr. Tripe (who
nominated Mr. Tutfnell) is placed in a situation at the India Board. A man, by the name of Underhill, belonging to one of the Ordnance hoys, his wife and children residing here, who conscientiously voted for Mr. Dawson, is removed to Woolwich, without any cause assigned for so doing." The barefaced corruption exhibited in the case of the Tripe family, gross as it is, is a bagatelle compared with the mean, dirty, and inhuman conduct displayed towards poor Underhill. Of course this removal will be his ruin.-1"nited Service Gazette.
Wool:leer's Exeter Gazette says, that Mr. Basset, candidate to succeed Lord Cantelupe at Helstone, and who was described as a Whig in the Government journals, " is now an excellent Conservative, and will op- pose her Majesty's Ministers."
We are informed that the Tories of Tynemouth are determined to invite a Conservative candidate upon the next vacancy ; and that a cer- tain Northern Duke, who has extensive interest in the borough, has been consulted, and is friendly to the movement. —3/oroing Ctroakka Her Majesty has been pleased to appoint Mr. John Story Penleaae to be British Consul at Amsterdana—Morailly Chronicle.