The accounts from the manufacturing districts are very unsatisfac- tory.
The Matte/ cr _tat/I./fin ,ays---4• Goods (.:1' all descriptions are extremely flat, considering the present season is one in which the ut- most activity ought to prevail." This brief sentence is applicable to the condition of the manufacturers of Leeds. Bradford. Huddersfield, Wakefield, Barnsley, Blackburn, Halifax, Wigan, Nottingham, and Leicester ; from which places accounts are now lying before us.
A fire which broke out on the 5th instant in Callender Street, Man- chester, destroyed premises occupied by Messrs. l Blom and Bradshaw, callenderers, and injured adjoining buildings. The loss is estimated at 7,000/.
Henry Thompson, a young man of twenty, son of a furrier in the vil- lage of Rickmansworfh, Hertfordshire. attempted murder and suicide out Saturday evening. In a tit ofjealousy he stabbed Louisa Humphries, a girl of eighteen, whom lie was in love with, and then cut her throat. He next cut his own throat. and theta staggered home from a field where he had been walking with the poor girl, to ask_ as he said, his &tiler's forgiveness before he died. Ile fell down front exhaustion in the street, and was taken home. The girl was found in the field, and. taken home also, not dead, but very dangerously wounded. Thompson had previously borne a good character.
On Monday week, David Evans, the gamekeeper of Mr. J. Wynne Eyton, was found murdered in the wood near Northorp, near Cceday Hendne mine. The infamous perpetrator of this dreadful deed com- mitted the net for the purpose of robbing Evans of' the little money he had upon him. Edward Jones. a notorious poacher, hos been appre- hended on suspicion of committing the murder, and committed for trial.—Conrier (g.