The annual meeting of the Literary Fund Society for the
election of officers and other business took place on Wednesday at the Society's Chambers in Lincoln's Inn Fields ; the Marquis of Northampton, one of the Vice-Presidents, in the chair. There was a very fell attendance of members. The Marquis of Lansdowne was reilected President of the Society for the ensuing year; the Vice-Presidents were also re- elected, as were the Council and Committee. Mr. Tooke was elected to the office of honorary solicitor, and Dr. Fraser consulting physician. A letter from Mr. G. E. Anson was read, communicating his Royal Highness Prince Albert's answer to the address of congratulation recently presented to him, in which his Royal Highness assures the Society "of the lively satisfaction which his Royal Highness has re- ceived from the warm expressions of interest in his happiness conveyed to him by a society in whose welfare and objects the Prince already feels Ithnsell interested." The thanks of the meeting were given to the Chairman, as well as to the Secretary, Mr. Blewitt, for his great exer- tions since his appointment. In the evening, the club dined together at the Freemason's Tavern ; Mr. Charles Dickens in the chair.