On Tuesday King Alfonso visited Barcelona, which has established an
unenviable reputation for anarchy and the throwing of bombs—a curious contradiction to the unquestion- able commercial enlightenment of this progressive city—and was received most cordially by the people. He was accom- panied by the Prime Minister and the Minister of Marine. He attended a Te Deans and opened a new street, which is the beginning of the rebuilding of the middle of the city. The visit was watched with.some anxiety ; but the courage of the King was amply rewarded and justified. It is not for a moment to be supposed that the King's act implies any concession to Separatist ambitions at Barcelona. Probably this example of trusting the people was intended to serve the already declared policy of the Government, and we dare say the rather confused searching out and repression of
suspected persons at Barcelona will continue as before. Nevertheless, the King's pluck stands out as a memorable little incident which will increase the liking for him in Great Britain.