News Of The We Eis.
I T was announced on Thursday that the British Govern. ment have proposed to the Powers the appointment for a term of years of a Turkish Governor-General for Macedonia, whose......
On Tuesday King Alfonso Visited Barcelona, Which Has...
unenviable reputation for anarchy and the throwing of bombs—a curious contradiction to the unquestion- able commercial enlightenment of this progressive city—and was received......
The Washington Correspondent Of The Times Remarks In...
that nearly half of the Session of Congress is over and nothing has been done, and no thing seems likely to be done. Mr. Roosevelt contemplates sending Messages urging the......
The Paris Correspondent Of The Times Announces In...
that a despatch has been received from General d'Amade " reporting the great effect produced by the defeat of the Madakra." General d'Amade states that Mulai Hafid has made......
On Wednesday The Russian Minister For Foreign Affairs, M....
introduced in the Duma a Bill for converting the Russian Legation at Tokio into an Embassy. He took the opportunity to review the relations of Russia and Japan, and to define......