News of the Week Mr. Baldwin and India T HE India
Committee of the Unionist Party has made a sad-mess of Indian policy. A deliberate intention to work mischief in India could scarcely have had a more deplorable effect than the tactical statement made in the early hours of Tuesday morning. Actually Unionist policy—at all evehts Mr. Baldwin's own policy—is very much better than this statement made it appear. The India Committee seems to have discussed its subject in an agitated temper such as often takes control among tired persons round about midnight. The Times says that the statement which was published in the papers of Tuesday morning was not ready for some hours after the meeting. -The statement was generally taken to mean that Mr. Baldwin had surrendered to what the Churchill group of Unionists desire—a so-called policy of firmness which deniei that there is any reality in Indian National- ism to bother about.
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