A Good Report.
In view of the general conditions of depression share- holders of the British Portland Cement Manufacturers may be congratulated upon the results for the past year, the profit......
India Tyre And Rubber.
This company seems to be still enjoying a very prosperous career and for, the past twelve months the profit was no less than 1259,791 on a capital of £750,000, of which £625,000......
Imperial Chemical Industries.
Partly, no doubt, by reason of the prolonged industrial depression, a good many unfavourable reports had been circulated in the market with regard to the results likely to be......
Westbourne Park Building Society.
At the recent annual meeting of this Society, Mr. E. W. Board. Chairman of the Directors, congratulated the members upon the most successful year in- the history of the Society;......
Financial Notes
Goon TONE MAINTAINED. ALTHOUGH it is true that in some departments there has been a slight reactionary tendency in prices during the last few days owing to the absence of active......
National Provident Bosms.
Accompanying the annual report for 1930 of the National Provident Institution is a statement showing the results of the triennial valuation. The valuation, which was made on a 3......
• Britannic Assurance.
At the meeting held recently of the Britannic Assurance Company, the chairman was able to present a report showing very satisfactory progress during the year. Substantial......
The Spectator;
Before going abroad or away from home readers are advised 1 ,1 place an order for the SPECTATOR. The journal. wilt be fowl to any address at the following rates One Month Two......
Halifax Building Society.
The report and accounts of the Halifax Building Society for the year ended January 31st shows further considerable progress as regards assets, advances upon mortgage and the......