14 MARCH 1931, Page 51


This company seems to be still enjoying a very prosperous career and for, the past twelve months the profit was no less than 1259,791 on a capital of £750,000, of which £625,000 is in 71 per cent. Cumulative Participating Preference Shares, entitled, in addition to its fixed dividend, to 20 per cent. of the remaining profit after 71 per cent, has been paid on the Deferred capital of £125,000 in shilling shares. For 1930 the Preference Shares are now receiving a total dividend of 10 per cent., while the Deferred Shares receive 571 per cent. Moreover, the company sets aside £50,000 for deprecia- tion and £65,000 for the general reserve, while the substantial balance is carried forward of £43,738.