The report and accounts of the Halifax Building Society for the year ended January 31st shows further considerable progress as regards assets, advances upon mortgage and the number of open accounts. The total number of shareholders' and depositors' accounts open at the end of the year was 438,628, and this marked a record increase of 40,947 accounts
for the year. For -the- twelve—months—the—total—income of the society reached a sum of no less than £35,983,510 and share and deposit funds-amounted to £67,754,810, this being an increase of over 2l0,000,000. During the year the assets also increased by £10,653,000 and now amount to 170,047,398, this representing more than one-sixth, of the total assets of the- *hole of the building societies in the United Kingdom. In the mortgage department advances were granted and completed for a total sum of £16,893,072, or £4,437,512 more than in the- pfeceding year. -
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