SIR,—It seems regrettable that Mr. Currie, in his desire to get the London County Council and the Westminster City Council to do more in the way of housing, should throw cold water on the efforts of the Pulford Street Site, Com- mittee. All that body wishes to do is to help the workers in Westminster and to collect the £6,000 they still require towards the £32,000 for which they started to appeal less than three years ago. Of this amount £26,000 has already been freely given by public-spirited citizens who have wished
to aid in this important work. • The Westminster Housing Trust, Ltd., which is dealing with the development of the site, hopes to pay at least 3 per cent.. .on the money lent, and although this may not be considered a " gilt-edged " investment, it cannot be described as a charitable undertaking, and all those who invest in. such stock and shares will have the satisfaction of knowing that they are taking a practical and useful step towards helping to solve one of the most urgent problems
of the day.—I am, Sir, &c., FLORENCE WaLarox (Chairman, Pulford Street Site Committee). 05 Victoria Street, S.W.