Sir Ernest's economic arguments in favour of a Free Trade-
Empire •are unaffected by the ridicule which Dominion Prime Ministers cast upon Lord Beaverbrook's scheme for a Free Trade Empire. He persistently repeats the old assertions without offering any valid reasons why people should believe in, them. It is rather as though he had set one of -his admirable gas engines at work in the _constituency to produce its explosive itera- tions. Mr. Duff Cooper has a programme of national economy and Protection. Agriculture is to be helped by a duty on foreign wheat, and also- by a guaranteed price for British wheat. We trust that Mr. Duff Coop& will be elected, partly because he is stoutly opposing dictatorship by the Press,- and partly because he is one of the not too many- Unionists -who have whole- heartedly praised Lord Irwin's magnificent work in India.