A review which shall deal faithfully and also competently with
the practical application of Christian principles to the problems of contemporary society is sure to find many interested readers. In Christendom: a Journal of Christian Sociology (Basil Blackwell, 2s. quarterly), the first number of which has just appeared, a serious attempt' is to be made to set forth the distinctive character and obligations of Christian citizenship : and its beating on our social and economic life. The new magazine, which is of Anglo- Catholic provenance, makes an ridmirable -start, with a foreword by the Archbishop of York. The-pigee de resistance is an important paper on " The Meaning of Christian Sociology," by Father Lionel Thornton, C.R., in- which -that distinguished thinker appears at his best. -The veteran Christian Socialist, Father Widdringtori; discusses the changed and problems incidental to the Leisure- State, 'Which rriust; he thinks, be the inevitable result of the industrial revolution now in progress. A considerable section of the magazine is occupied by excellent signed reviews of recent sociological and religious works.
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