14 MARCH 1941, Page 14


Snt,—I was interested to see your comment on Mr. Orwell's review of General Wavell's Allenby in Horizon. for December. A paragraph on the subject is appearing in the Editorial Comment of the March Horizon, but to those of your readers who do not see it, I should like to point out that Mr. Orwell's review was written last summer, soon after Dunkirk, and then held over several months through' lack of space. Mr. Orwell in a controversy knows how to look after himself, but he might not care to make a point about this " co-incidence" which would incriminate his dilatory editor.—Yours,

&c., CYRIL CONNOLLY. 6 Selwyn House, 2 Lansdowne Terrace, W.C. z.

[The point of our comment was Mr. Orwell's estimate of General Wavell. The question whether that estimate was formed in June or in November seems hardly material.—En., The Spectator.]