Unfriendly South Is It True That Country People, And...
south country PeoPle, are unfriendly? I picked up a soldier, dead-tired, carrying full kit, at the end of a journey which he had begun at half-past four in the morning. He was......
" Three Score Miles And Ten "
Ste,—Mr. Graham Greene, in a recent issue, extracted so much humour from what I had never thought to be more than a rather prosaic little handbook on Colloquial Persian that I......
" Conservate Socialism "
SIR, —Canon Roger Lloyd's article on the coming of what he calls the omnicompetent State is a striking sign of the times—and a very hopeful sign. He sees that during recent......
Tender Lily An Interesting Example Of Frost-resistance...
by Lilium Sulphureum. Text-books recommend it as a greenhouse lily, rather tender, with possible chances of success in Cornwall, where its glorious yellow-throated, pink-touched......
General Wavell's War
Snt,—I was interested to see your comment on Mr. Orwell's review of General Wavell's Allenby in Horizon. for December. A paragraph on the subject is appearing in the Editorial......
The B.b.c. And " The Spectator "
SIR,—Sniping at the B.B.C. is a popular pastime. A rather easy one, too, because the number and variety of the B.B.C.'s activities offer so many targets. I agree with Mr. Sr.......
Country Life
The Land Drainage Problem Long before the war drew attention in this column to t h e hopeless state of land-drainage in England ; now a correspondent, who as a partner in a......
In The Garden If There Are To Be Flowers This
summer—and they are infinitell preferable to lawns dug up and exclusively planted with lettuces -- they should be varieties which, as it were, pay large dividends Petunias,......
Readers Can Send The Spectator To Members Of H.m. Forces
in any part of the world post paid at the following special rates:— 3 months ... 6s. 6d. 6 months ... 13s. od. 12 months ... 26s. od. Instructions should be forwarded to The......