In the Garden If there are to be flowers this
summer—and they are infinitell preferable to lawns dug up and exclusively planted with lettuces-- they should be varieties which, as it were, pay large dividends Petunias, phlox drummonclii, zinnias and the new tobacco hybrids will give immense returns, and should be sown in frame or grope house now. In my experience petunias—seed of which should not Iv covered with soil—are the finest of all annuals. Sown in MO! they will bloom immediately they are planted out in May, and ws never need another moment of attention until pulled up in November• Plants of Lavender Queen, an excellent dwarf variety, reached .2 diameter of four feet with me in the summer of 1940. In 001 angles of light the flowers of Flaming Velvet were a glorious black. Both varieties, together with the old Rose of Heaven, were 115° sweet-scented—a fact perhaps little known. For zinnias, which people find difficult, there is only one rule to be remembered.