14 MARCH 1941, Page 5

Under the genial chairmanship of Mr. A. P. Herbert (who

in enumerating some of those present did not fail to refer to the editor of this journal as " The Editor—not of the Bilious Weekly ' ") the editorial committee of " Britain in Pictures,"—which aims at what Sir Stephen Tallents would call The Projection of Britain, or indeed of the British Common- wealth, in a series of five or six dozen specially written and specially illustrated booklets—held a highly successful lunch on Tuesday to launch the project. Three points from speeches are worth quoting: Mr. Herbert's remark that the statement that every country gets the government it deserves was the hardest thing ever said about Germany ; Mr. W. J. Turner's disclosure that the whole Britain in Pictures idea originated in the fertile brain of Hilda Matheson, whose death is still fresh in her friends' n-emory; and Mr. G. M. Young's reference to the strikir: pertinent observation he made during the last war, this the world would never know what London was till it had seen London besieged. JANUS.