Sta,—As Mr. John Irwin sticks to his statements, the only possible conclusion seems to be that the author of The Third Eye removed his beard on the day of his visit, simultaneously adding a few inches to his stature, and on the following day reverted to his normal appearance and dimensions. And yet Mr. Irwin says, 'I am sure he had no magic powers'! Mr. Irwin evades all the points in my letter and covers up by asking, can I supply 'one scrap of evi- dence' to show that the author is a Tibetan? The answer is no. I am not an occultist, nor a 'Tibetan scholar,' nor even a private detective from Liver- pool. All I claim is that The Third Eye is written with such convincing realism that the author must either be reporting in some way actual experiences or possess a great literary talent.—Yours faithfully,