Sir,—as A Writer Of 'pop' Fiction And As An Avid
reader of women's magazines, I should like to reply to Lois Mitchison's question as to where their appeal lies. I am sure it is because all women worthy of the name are......
'pop' Fiction
SIR,—It is perhaps scarcely worth while to refute Miss Mitchison's very bold assertion that 'almost all women,' i.e., almost half the human race, enjoy that peculiar form of......
Letters To The Editor
Mental Health Dr. Donald Mel. Johnson. MP Tarry or Burn Sir Stephen King-Hall, Edward Bond `Pop' Fiction Rose Macaulay, J. W. Drawbell, The Hon. Mrs. Esson-Scott Tenants and......
Sir,—i Suppose What Lois Mitchison Is Saying In Her...
letter regarding Woman's Own is that the Colonel's lady and Judy O'Grady are sisters under the skin. 'Are social and educational differences Jess important for women than for......
Tarry Or Burn
SIR,—I am much obliged to you for your reference under Tarry or Burn (March 7) to what you call the 'King-Hall line,' but still more grateful that the Spectator alone amongst......
Sir,—discussion Of The Banning Of Nuclear Weapons Is...
it faces the problem of what happens after the banning of these weapons. The nuclear bomb is the ultitrwte weapon. This means that if an aggressor attacks the possessor of......