14 MAY 1859, Page 11


erase EXCEL/SOL Fem.: Arm:Koos. A decided improvement has taken place since last week in nearly every description of public securities; and although business is still confined with- in narrow limits, a rise in the funds has been established of more than 11 per cent. The excitement lately witnessed throughout the entire "House' has altogether diminished, and there is evidently a disposition gradually to resume the usual business. The week, however, has not been allowed to pass over without the additional failure of seventeen members, all of whom had compounded with their creditors en the day of settling in Consols, but who were unable to pay up in full on Wednesday, the day fixed by the Com- mittee for the differenees to be made good; sixteen of this number were simply announced by the Committee as defaulters, the last was " declared" in the usual way. It is expected that several of them will shortly be in a p■o- sition to meet the whole of their liabilities. There have now been no less than seventy-three failures since the commencement of the panic. There now seems every probability, the excitement having passed, we shall have no more casualties to record.

Consols were first quoted on Monday, 901 91; and after being done at 90 finally closed, 911 911. On Tuesday a good deal of animation was imparted to the market by a purchase of 100,000/. by the chancery broker. The go- vernment broker as usual bought 10,000/. daily. The 2,000,000/. Exche- quer Bonds which fell due and were discharged on Monday last, has contri- buted materially, to the support of prices, a great amount of that capital coming to the English Market for re-investment. Consols have been as high as 92/, and close today rather flat, 911 911 ; after touching 921 in the morning, for Money, the price is 91/ 924; Reduced, 901 91; New Three per Cents, 901 91. An advance has occurred in India Stock, the last quo- tations being 214 216 ; and for the Scrip, 93 931. The demand for money has not been so extensive as was the ease last week, and no alteration has been made in the Bank rate of discount which stands at 41 per cent. The Foreign Stock Market has been considerably more active during the past few days and most securities have experienced a rise of 2 and 4 per cent. Sardinian is now 7 per cent higher than last quoted, 75 77; Mexi- can is stationary, 16/ 17 ; Peruvian Four-and-a-half per Cent, 81 83 Ditto Three per Cents, 61 63 ; Ditto 17ribarren, 74 78. Victor Emmanuel Bonds are likewise firmer at 74 76 ; Austrian, 35 40 ; Turkish Six per Cents are better, 62 64 ; Ditto New, 52 54 ; after a good deal of variation the Old Four per Cent Guaranteed is at the nominal quotation of 98 100 ; Spanish Three per Cents close, 271 271. The improved state of the Con- tinental Markets has greatly caused the better feeling here. An average rise of 21 per cent has occurred in both English and Foreign Railway, shares with altogether a better business doing, and quotations more freely made than for some time past. London and Brighton are now 105 107 ; and Mid- land, 921 931 ; Great-Western, 501 511 ; Leeds, 841 851 ; and London and North-Western, 851 861 ; Caledonian, 73 74 ; Sheffield, 33 34; Great North- ern, 94 95; Berwick, 8185. The improved traffics in Continental lines have assisted in supporting quotations, but the actual business passing has not been extensive ; Northern of France, 341 35; and Paris and Lyons, 301 31; both show a rise of 2/. Old Lombardo-Venetian Shares are flat, 21 21 dis., and 31 2/ dis. for the New. East Indian, 95 97; Great Indian Peninsula, 93 95 ; Grand Trunk of Canada, 30 31 ; Great Western of Ditto, 131 131 ; Sambre and Meuse, 44 ; and Luxembourg, 4/ 51.