Extinction Of Mogullsii In India.
Otnt own opinion as to the causes of the Indian mutiny, and the right methods for preventing the recurrence of any such outbreak, were expressed last week. We find it to a great......
The Point Of View Again.
" Ox a dark night in the winter of the year 18—, a man might have been seen " (the writer is not G. P. R. James, but " the story is extant and written in choice" English,) "......
Oddities Of Finance.
SOMETIME since the Russian Government put forward a loan of 12,000,0001. at 3 per cent; but since the commencement of the war tumult in Europe, the same Government has notified......
The Generous Prisoner.
Fox a genuine love of freedom commend us to the Irish gentle- man, (we should not like to apply any lower title,) who, being imprisoned in the county gaol of Cork on a charge of......