Miss Augusta Thomson, the young Scotch lady whom we mentioned
a fortnight ago as having lately gained the first prize for singing at the Conservatoire of Paris, has arrived in London, and is to appear at the concert of the Philharmonic Society on Monday next. Two young Eng- lish violinists, the brothers Holmes, Spohr's favourite pupils, whose per- formances have made a great sensation in Germany, are to appear at the same concert.
The Royal Italian Opera Concerts at the Crystal Palace have been resumed. The first took place on Wednesday, and, the day being fine, drew a vast concourse of visitors. The performers at these concerts are the members of Mr. Gye's company, supported by the magnificent Co- vent Garden orchestra and chorus, while the music is selected from the Italian operas which form the Covent Garden repertoire. Such concerts are of little interest to opera-goers ; but multitudes run to Sydenham, delighted to see and hear the Grisis, Mark*, and other stars of the Ita- lian stage.