We announced the death of Mr. C. R. Leslie, R.A.,
with sincere re- gret. An accomplished gentleman, a painter whose sympathies with the wit, pathos, and feeling of Shakspeare , Cervantes, and Sterne were re- cognised throughout the art-world, and a friend of the best and greatest -men of his nation during more than half a century, he deserves a heart- felt tribute to his memory. Mr. Leslie died at Abercorn Place, in his sixty-fifth year. He was born in London of American parents. In 1799 his father father quitted England and settled in Philadelphia, where the painter was educated. His first instructors in England were both Ame- rican-born artists—the president, West, and Washington Allston, a painter of refined taste, better known on the other side of the Atlantic than here. In 1821 Leslie was elected Associate of the Academy : in in 1826, R A. In 1833 he was appointed by the United States Govern- ment professor of drawing to the Military Academy at West Point ; which post, after a trial of five months, he resigned, and returned finally to England. Mr. Leslie used with success the pen as well as the pencil. In 1845 he published a life of his friend Constable. From 1848 to 1861 he filled the post of Professor of Painting at the Academy, and his lec- tures have lately been published, with additions, as a ".Handbook for Young Painters.