We were unfortunately misinformed when we stated a fortnight ago
that the University Tests' Bill repealed the imposition of tests for all university officers, the Heads of House not excepted. The Heads of Houses are excepted. Of course it was too good to be true that the Government should be logical. As it happens, there is even less pretext for requiring the Heads of Houses to be Church- men than for requiring the same thing for the tutors. The Heads of Houses are usually dignitaries who hardly ever see the young men in college oftener than once a term, and exercise no practical influence over them. To impose a test of Churchmanship on them which you do not impose on the fellows and tutors, is like pro- viding for the Churchmanship of the Navy by imposing a teat on Admirals, while leaving midshipman, lieutenants, and com- manders alone. 'When the dignities become high enough to be chiefly titular, then impose your test,—but exempt all working men from it.' So ridiculous an exception cannot hold. It must be struck out in Committee.