News Of The Week.
N APOLEON has gained rather more than the expected majority. The complete official returns will not be published till Monday, but it would appear that out of 101 millions of......
The Queen Opened The New And Handsome Building Of The
University of London in Burlington Gardens, on Wednesday,— in the designs and execution of which Mr. Pennethorne is thought to have surpassed himself,—with a ceremonial of some......
After The Queen Had Left, The Chancellor Distributed The...
and certificates of degrees, and made his annual speech, which was, this year, to some extent a review of the history of the University, and, therefore, somewhat more formal and......
The Irish Land Bill Has Been Racing Through Committee This
last week, to make up for its creeping pace hitherto. Yesterday week there waa a sharp discussion on the clause which enacts that all improvements shall be assumed to have been......
The Ministers Have Resigned, Formally Or Informally, And...
will, after the formal presentation of the results of the Plebiscite to the Emperor—a ceremony fixed for Monday—publish a new list of colleagues. According to all reports, they......
The P/ibiscite Was Followed By Rioting In Paris, Rioting...
we imagine, mainly to two causes. The Reds are very bitter over a quasi-popular defeat, anti, they think they have at last some chance of enlisting the soldiery. As yet nothing......