We have to thank Messrs. Rivingtou for an excellent little
edition of the text of The Bucolics, Georgics, and 2Eneid of Vergil. Portions are published separately, at very low prices (twopence or threepence each), and the whole also in one volume. Paper and typo are all that could be wished, for clearness and elegance, We observe with pleasure that Ribbock's text has been followed. Ribbeck used a certain boldness in transposing which sometimes has a happy result. In Zooid VI., for instance, ho puts " Quisquo sues patimur manes, exindo per amplum Mittimur Elysium, et pauci laeta arva tenemus,' after the description of the purifying influence, beginning with " Ergo exercentur poonis," and ending with " Aurai simplicisignem."
This gives a unieh better sense to the whole, only the stop at tenemus should plainly be a period. The few who gained Elysium did not expect to be sent up again to life like the has omnes.