14 MAY 1881, page 1

Lord Salisbury's Election To The Leadership Of The Oppo-...

iu the House of Lords was ratified on Monday by the Tory Peers, but it was in some quarters evidently ac- quiesced in as a necessity rather than welcomed as a boon. Lord Cairns......

On Monday, Lord Granville Moved An Address To The Queen,

praying her to give directions for a monument in Westminster Abbey to the late Earl of Beaconsfield, with an inscription ex- pressive of the high sense entertained by Parliament......

Lord Salisbury Was Not Happy. Whatever The Contents Of His

speech, which is differently reported in different papers, he wrested the meaning of the address so as to imply to common ears the high appreciation of Parliament of Mr.......

The Terms Of The Articles May Be Deduced From A

long .circular which M. St. Hilaire has issued to the French Envoys abroad, in which he recapitulates the wrongs suffered by Algeria from the Kronmirs and other tribes, and from......

An Incident Has Occurred In Bulgaria The Meaning Of Which

is not yet clearly understood. On May 9th, the reigning Prince, Alexander, issued a proclamation declaring that " the Princi- pality was disorganised at home and discredited......

News Of The Week.

T HE French have•conquered Tunis. Their advanced columns on Thursday occupied • a railway station within six miles of the capital; and it was expected that the city would -be......

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any ease.......