We speak elsewhere of the difficulty Englishmen and Irish- men
have in understanding one another. Here is another illustration, a formal resolution passed by the Tralee Board of Guardians That we enter our indignant protest against the vile and atrocious slander of the Times newspaper on Mr. Parnell.
That we recognise in this latest infamy of this organ• of hell its agony at the growing progress of the Irish Home- rule cause among the English democracy as expounded by the Liberal and Irish leaders and their faithful followers, and a foul attempt at checkmating it by prejudicing the English mind in the employment of means aptly illustrative of its journalistic record in its dealings with the Irish people That we again record our unabated confidence and admiration of our beloved leader, Mr. Parnell, and the Irish Parliamentary Party, and respectfully treat that in future they will decline to notice the attacks of a paper which has long since passed beyond the bounds of truthful criticism and even of discretion." "This organ of hell" "which has passed the bounds of discretion" is delicious. We doubt if there is an Englishman alive who really understands how a sane human being could have drawn,. much less passed, that resolution. Yet there are Irishmen, even of the opposite party, who will think it rather eloquent.