"spring" In Latin And Greek.
[To THE 1301TOE ON THE •• SPZITTATOR.".1 tam, —I have just seen your article on " Spring," in your issue of April 23rd, and it seems to me you are a little unjust to the......
THE COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON. A TRIPTYCH IN VERSE. AT last! after months of a black wind, Tormenting from North and from East, Till poets and lyrists all lack wind To sing or......
The National Debt. [to The Editor Es The "spect4toe."..1...
correspondent, "J.," who in the Spectator for May 7th criticises Mr. Goschen's appropriation of part of Sir Stafford Northcote's Debt Fund, has brought oat a very salient plea......
Women's Power Of Will.
[To THE EDITOR 07 Tex " SPECIATOB..1 Srn,—In the course of your allusions to my recently published lecture on "Mental Differences between Men and Women," you ask :—" Did Mr.......
" Anti-jacobin."
[To THE EDITOR OF THE ••SPECTSTOL " ] Sts,—As in your recent review of Mr. Frank Hill's short Life of Canning you express a curiosity as to the authorship of the mock specimen......
Mr. Richmond.—a Correction.
1 - To THE BE MS or THE BrscrAror," 'SIR,—Will you kindly allow me to point out to your readers an unfortunate error (in my article of last week on the Grosvenor Gallery), by......