14 MAY 1898, Page 27

PUBLICATIONS OF THE WEEK; Agnew (P. L.), A Run through

"The Nffielang's Ring," or 8vo (Bradbiu7) Andom (R.), Side Slips; or, Misadventures on a Bicycle, or 8vo...(Pearson) Aspirations of the Devout Soul, pref. by H. 0. Pollock, 12mo... (Longmans) Banister (H. O.), Interludes: Seven Lectures Delivered between 1891 and

1897, 12mo (Bell) 5/0 Bertram (G.), The White-Headed Boy, or 8v0 (17nwin) 6/0 Beddard (F. E.), Elementary Practical Zoology. cr 8v0 (Longman!: 2/6

Blaikie (W. G.), David Brown, D.D., LL.D., or 8vo ...(Hodder & Stoughton) 6/0

Blass (F.). Philology of the Gospels, or 8vo (Macmillan) 4/6 Blissett (Nellie K.), The Concert-Director, or 8vo (Macmillan) 6/0

Breathings of the Angels Love, Part L. compiled by J. Meredith (K. Paul) 24 Brierley (J.) (" J. B."), Studies of the Soul, or 8vo (Clarke) 6/0 Chronicles of Kartdale: Our Jeames. edited by J. K. Henderson (Munson) 3/6

Cook's Handbook for Normandy and Brittany, or 8r0 (Cook) 8/0

Craddock (0. Lb The Juggler, or 8ro (Gay & Bird) 6/0 Oust (L.), History of the Society of Dilettanti, roy 8vo (Macmillan) 26/0

De Coubertin (Baron P.), The Evolution of France under the Third Re- public, 8vo (Bowden) 10/6 Durand (B. D.), The Finances of New York City, or Svo (Macmillan) 7/6 Essay! in Aid of the Reform of the Church, ed. by Charles Gore (Murray) 10/6 Gilbert (H. N.), Of Necessity, or 8vo (Lane) 3/6

Gillman (IL), Haman: a Allah. or 8vo ((hy & Bird) 716 (hlm (R.), The Old Adam and the New Eve,or 8r0 (Heinemann) 2/6

Goodohild (J. A.), The Light of the West: Pert L, The Damao Colony, cr liWo (K. Peal) 5/0 Gospel of Jeans according to St. Matthew, as Interpreted to R. L Harrison

in the Light of the Godly Experience of Sri Par5nands, fivo (K. Pan') 7/6 Griffis (W. B.), The Pilgrims in their Three Homes, 12mo ......(Gay & Bird) 5/0

Backwood (F. W.), New Object Lessons: Animal Life, or 8vo (Pearson) 2/6 Harris (Mary D.), Life in an Old English Town; a History of Coventry or 8vo (Sonnenscheill 5/0 446 Henderson (W. J.), What is Good Music ? cr 8vo (Murray Henty (G. A.) and Others, Through Fire and Storm : Stories ...(Partridge 3/5

Hewlett (IL). The Forest Levers: a Romance, or 8v0 (Macmillan 6/0 Huddilston (J. R.), Greek Tragedy in the Light of Vase Paintings

or Eivo Huxley (T. H.), The Scientific Memoirs of (4 vols.), Vol. I Jayne (H.), Mammalian Anatomy, Part I., roy 8vo Johnson (W. H.), The King's Henchman, 12mo Kelly (IL A.), 0 rative G ecology, roy 8vo cr 8vo Murray (E.), Higher Arithmetic and Mensuration, or 8vo Palmer (E. B..), Christ the Substitute, 8vo (Snow) 7/6 Pierpoint (R. D.), In Uganda for Christ : Life-Story of J. 8 0 cr 8vo Hodder & Stoughton 3/0 Richmond (E.), Boyhood: a Plea for Continuity in Ednoation...(Longmans) 2/6 Romero (M.), Geographical & Statistical Notes on Mexico, roy 8r0 (Putnam) 12/6

Rowell (M.), Sonnets on the Sonnet an Anthology, or 8vo (Lougmens) 3I6

Stidermann (H.), Regina; or, Tbe Sins of the Fathers, or 8ro (Lane) 6A:

dutci,ffe (IL), An Episode in Acrady, or 8vo (Pearson) 2/6

2/0 3/6 2/6 or 8vo Manson (P.), Tropical Diseaves. or 8vo Marryat (F.), An Angel of Pity, or 8ro Marshall (5 ) The Young Queen of Hearts. or 8vo Montagu (V. A.), A Middy's Reoollections, 1853-1860, or ffiro

Mnrif (I. J.), From Cowin to Ocean Across' a Oontinsut on • Bioyole,

(Robertson 2/8

(Macmillan 6/0 (Macmillan) 25/0 (Lippincott) 21/a (Gay & Bird) 6/0

(Hirschfeld) 63/0

to Qtteux (W.), bcrlbee and Pharisees, cr 8vo (F. V. White) 6/0

Mansford (0. J.), The Adventures of Mark Paton, and other Stories, (Partridge) 2/6

(Cassell) 10/6 (Hutchinson) 6/0

(Seeley) 313 (Black) 6/0

Tales from McClere, 4 vols.. Romance, Adventure, Humour. The W, et,

18mo, ia box (Gay & Rim) el) Taylor (AL Imlay), On the Red Staircase, Cr 8vo (Gay & Bird) 6/0 Threlfall (T. R.t, Plelippi the Guard.mern, cr 8v-i (Ward & Lock) 3/6 Told in the Coffee-House : Turkish Tales, translated, &c., by C. Adler and A. Ramsay, 18mo (Macmillan) 30 Vogel (H. B.), A Maori Maid, cr 8vo (Pear son) 6/0 Waring (G. F., jun.), Street-Cleaning and the Disposal of a City's Wastes, cr 8vo (Gay & Bird) 5/e Watt (F.). The Law's Lumber Room, 2nd Series, 12mo (Lane) 4/6

Wiggin (K. D.), Penelope's Experiences in Scotland, cr 8vo ......(Gay & Bird) 60 Wills (F.). W. G. Wills, Dramatist and Painter, Few (Longmane) 11)6 Wilson (C. A. Carus.), Electro-Dynamics : the Direct Current Motor,

Cr 8vo Longmans) 7/6