14 MAY 1898, page 15

Sir,—i Am Indebted To You For Assisting Me In My

efforts to call public attention to the many serious drawbacks of "limited liability," by alluding to the main contentions of my recent Nineteenth Century article. There have......

An Old Reader Of The Spectator, I Ask For A

little space to express my dissent from your view, that in this unhappy quarrel the Americans have justice on their side. It seems to me that if they sought justice in this......

Coming Territorial Readjustments.

[TO THE EDITOZ OF THE " SPECTATOR:1 SIR,—Your interesting and suggestive article in the Spectator of May 7th under the heading of "Lord Salisbury's Speech ". is one which should......

Mr. Gla.dstone.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] Sin,—Your admirable note on thie subject seems to hint, if it does not suggest, that a word of sympathy should go out from the House of......

Sir,—yon Ask In Your Article On "the Decay Of Spain"

in the Spectator of April 30th how the decay is to be explained except by the existence of some "root of inefficiency" in the Spanish race; and you support your question by a......