14 MAY 1898, Page 27

(Queen's College, 43 and 45 Harley Street.)—The Rev. F. D.

Maurice delivered a lecture on the objects and methods of a College which it was proposed to open for the education of females. This was on March 29th, 1848. The College set to work about a month afterwards. It has gone on, under varying conditions, and often with great effort and no small sacrifice on the part of those who have laboured for it. Many distinguished names appear on the list of its teachers. In theology, to take the subject which stands first on the list, we find the names of F. D. Maurice, R. C. Trench, E. H. Plumptre, J. J. S. Perovrne, and R. Elwyn. A short sketch of the history of the College, with lists of teachers, is given in this volume (sold, we may remark, for the benefit of the College). This is followed by communications by a, number of old pupils, dealing, among other things, with the opening of various careers, as medicine, journalism, trade, to women. This is a most interesting volume.