On Saturday last King George - V. met the Privy Council
and announced King Edward's death in words of marked emotion. King George then. said:— " Standing here a little more than nine years ago, Our beloved King declared that as long as there was breath in His body He would work for the good and amelioration of His People. I am sure that the opinion of the whole Nation will be that this declaration has been fully carried out. To endeavour to follow in His footsteps, and at the same time to uphold the constitutional government of these Realms, will be the earnest object of My life. I am deeply sensible of the very heavy responsibilities which have fallen upon me. I know that I can rely upon Parliament and upon the People of these Islands and of My Dominions beyond the Seas for their help in the discharge of these arduous duties, and for their prayers that God will grant me strength and guidance. I am encouraged by the knowledge that I have in My dear wife one who will be a constant helpmate in every endeavour for our people's good."