Rifle-shooting For Boys.
[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR."] Six,—In your issue of April 30th Mr. Burgess gives an interesting precis of his Committee's circular to Head- Masters of preparatory schools......
The "star's" Tips.
[To THE EDITOR Or THE " SPECTATOR:1 Six,—I read with interest your article in the last issue on "The Star's Tips" and their relation to the Joseph Rowntree Social Service Trust,......
The Referend1tm And The Present House Of Commons.
[To THZ EDITOR OF THZ SFICTAT011.1 S111,—I am entirely at one with you in your advocacy of the Referendum as a means of settling the differences between the two Houses, and of......
The Referendum And Changes In American State...
Erma or THE " Sr scrAnat.1 SIR,—Changes in the Constitutions of the States of the American Union are always made by means of the "Refer- endum," although that word is not in......