Later the. Duke accused the Miners' Executive of uniting closely
with the Sinn Feiners in Ireland. The murder campaign in Ireland which was initiated in January, 1919, was intended to coincide with the revolutionary strike. Later, however, the Executive changed its tone in public, and pleaded before the Coal Commission for better conditions for the miners. These advocates were the very men who a few months. before " had been engaged in a treasonable intrigue to betray them when they were at death's grips with the enemy."
" They induced the leaders of one of the great political parties to sign a treasonable manifesto calling on the workers to fight a Government which was the enemy of the working men. Nothing could have been better. Then at the last moment the Triple Alliance collapsed, not because the moderate leaders dared, even if they wished, to opposs the Revolutionaries, but because the working man declined to be led into a trap by the creatures of an alien conspiracy."