German Taxation.
(To TEE EDITOR or THE " SPwrnort."1 Sta,—In your note to my letter on this subject which appeared in your issue of April 30th you say: " The real question is whether such taxes......
The Cambridge Divinity Doctorate. (to The Editor Or The "
SPECTATOR.".] Sot,—May I ask through the medium of your columns the following questions :- (1) Is this degree designed to encourage theological study and research? (2) Is a......
[To THE Enrroa or THE " SPECTATOR."' SIR,—I regret to say that " Englishman, " writing in the Spectator of May 7th,_ is quite wrong. There are, unfortu- nately, authorized......
Export Of Horses For Butchery. (to The Editor Or The
" SPECFATOR.") SIR.—The Minister of Agriculture has stated in the House of Commons, in reply to the demand for a .820 tax to end the trade in horses for slaughter abroad, that......
Lancashire And Egypt. (to The Burros Or Rue " Sncratoa."3
Snit,—In your interesting article on "Lancashire and the Indian Cotton Duties " of April 2nd you quote Lord Cromer as having stated that " if India and Egypt were going to......
Licensing Reform.
(To ran EIDICOS or THE " Spzernoa."3 SIR,—In advocating State purchase as the solution of licensing reform, Mr. A. F. Harvey refers to the recent report of the Control Board of......