14 MAY 1921, Page 14


[To THE EDITOR OF TEE " SPECTATOR."] Sia,—On the second page of the Spectator of April 30th, in the paragraph beginning " The German Government," it is stated that £2,500,000,000 was the total of the German indebtedness, and £10,000,000,000 the total amount of the proposed annuities. And on the same page, in the first few lines of the paragraph beginning "For the present year," there occurs twice the word " expenditure." The second time it is obvious that the word should have been " revenue." Knowing the character of the Spectator for accuracy I felt sure that these two mistakes would not pass unnoticed, but I have found no correction in

[(1) The summary of the obscure German offer was not inae- curate. The present value of the offer was estimated at £2,500,000,000; the annuities, to be paid at various dates, were to amount in all to £10,000,000,000. (2) We regret that "expen- diture" by a slip was written in place of " revenue."—ED. Spectator.]