The Shin Feiners have perpetrated a number of brutal murders
every day during the past week. A peculiarly atrocious case occurred at Rathmore, in Kerry, on Thursday, May 5th. A Sinn Fein gang killed Thomas Sullivan, a poor and harmless old man of eighty, and put his corpse on the road. They then telephoned to the police, saying that a man had been found dead. When a patrol of nine police arrived, the murderers, concealed in ambush, opened fire and killed eight of the con- stables. The idea of killing an old man in order to use his body as ground-bait for the police is as fiendish as the practices of Burke and Hare, who murdered poor folk in order to sell their bodies to the dissecting-rooms. Even those who hold the evil doctrine that the end justifies the means must find it hard to believe that an Irish Republic can be founded by such horrible crimes as the Rathmore murders.