There was a oedema riot of reservists at Aldershot last
Saturday night. A number of soldiers, supported by roughs carrying a red flag, broke the windows of the principal shops and stole the contents. The police were assaulted and overpowered. Strong pickets restored order. The rioters were a small minority of the garrison ; probably they were tired of the monotony of barrack life and had had too much to drink. 'tut there is reason to suppose that the revolutionary faction is trying hard, with its Bolshevik gold, to subvert discipline both in the Navy and in the Army. Two Communists were arrested last week at Portsmouth for trying to corrupt sailors. Communist intrigues had something to do with the Aldershot outbreak. It may be added that the London police last Saturday searched the Communist headquarters in Covent Garden, and arrested Mr. Inkpen, the secretary of the party. The Home Secretary explained that the place was thought to be used for " the illegal publication of prints inciting to violence and sedition."