14 MAY 1932, Page 32


Quite a satisfactory statement was placed before the shareholders of the Calcutta Electric Supply Corporation, Limited, at the recent annual meeting. The Chairman, the Right Hon. Lord Meston of Agra and Dunottar, referred to the progress made in the direction of extension of the company's operations, including the successful tunnelling under the Roughly between the Southern Station and the right bank. The bore, he said, was completed last August and they were now on the eve of putting their cables through it, and thins solving what had been a grave problem of ail efficient supply of current to the southern area of Howrah. With better times, the cheaper supply which it was now possible to give would, the directors were satisfied, bring a reward in higher consumption. At the present time the directors are proposing a bonus of 3d. per ordinary share, in lieu of last year's 5d., in addition to the 12 per cent, which they now aimed at securing as their standard dividend in years of ordinary prosperity.