14 MAY 1932, page 3

Russia Buys Wheat The News That Russia Is Buying Canadian

and ,Australian wheat is significant, particularly when it coincides with the issue by the Government of a new decree permitting the peasants, after delivery to the State of a......

Private Schools

The Departmental Committee set up by Sir Charles Trevelyan, when he was President of the Board of Education in the last Labour Ministry, to report on the private schools has......

Association Of Great Britain And Ireland At Folkestone...

conference of the Rotary International We are glad to note that Prince George opened the on Saturday. For this movement, designed to promote fellowship among business and......

Bank Rate 21 Per Cent., Changed From 3 Per Cent.

or, May 12th, 1932. War Loan (5 per cent.) was on Wednesday 101k; on Wednesday week, 101/, ; a year ago, 10211. Funding Loan (4 per cent.) was on Wednesday 99t; on Wednesday......

A New Nazi Programme

A significant development in the political situation in Germany is the formulation of a much more definite Nazi programme than has seen the light so far. Herr Strasser, the......

The Ban On Foreign Talent The Ministry Of Labour Has

cut no very impressive figure in the matter of Gleich's Circus, an institution of European repute such as this country has little opportunity of witnessing. The decision to......

The National Gallery

Recent resignations of expert officials at the National Gallery, followed by that of Mr. Ormsby Gore, one of the trustees, have occasioned not a little concern. Sir Charles......