14 MAY 1932, Page 32


At the recent annual meeting of the Guardian Assurance Company more than one proprietor during the discussion which took place offered a tribute to the directors and to the management for skill and care displayed during a most difficult year. In the course of his remarks, the chairman, iColmiel Lionel H. Hanbury, referred to some of the pressing world problems. He expressed the belief that the present crisis originated in fundamentally unsound economic practices, including the insistence of creditor countries on Reparations and War Debts being paid in gold. Gold, said Colonel Hanbury, had been treated as a commodity and not merely for settling differences in the international exchange of commodities. The situation might have been very different if international indebtedness had been arranged by an exchange of goods. Nevertheless, he believed that Great Britain was making a strong united effort to re-establish its financial position.

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