Srimains, LTD.
Quite a renuirkable recovery has taken place during the past two years in the position of Spillers, Ltd., and at the meeting held last week the Chairman, Sir Malcolm Robertson, was able to state that the net profits amounted to no less than E549,000, while the deferred dividend recommended is 10 per cent. In looking ahead, however, Sir Malcolm re- marked that it was difficult to foresee the effect of the quota policy for home-grown wheat imposed under the Wheat Quota Act. In his opinion, it was both cumbersome and unnecessarily Costly. He also regarded the Ottawa Conference as giving cause for sonic anxiety, affirming that the interests of the milling industry would be gravely affected- by any compulsory high quota of Dominion wheats with no compensating advantage by the strict limitation of imports of both foreign and Dominion flour.
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