BIRTHS.—At his Lordship's seat, Adare, Limerick, the Right Hon. Countess nan. raven, of a son—On the 6th inst. at Whittington-hall, Lancaster, the Lady of This-ram Greene, Esq. M.P. of a son. The child died shortly after its birth—On the 8th Elvetham, Hampshire, Lady Charlotte Calthorpe, of a son—On the 7th inst. the wife of Mr. George Andrews, mason, of Clark's-court, Old Market-street, Bristol, of two girlr and a boy, one still.born. The mother has not had a child before for more than eleven years—On the 12th inst. at Lowesby Hall, Leicestershire, Lady Fowke, of a daughter. MAR RIAGES.—At Talacre, by special license, Miss Mostyn, eldest daughter of Sit Edward Mostyn, Bart. to Charles Stanley, Esq. brother of Sir T. S.111. Stanley, Bart. of Wootton, Cheshire—At Cowbridge, Glamorganshire, the Rev. Rees Howell, Vicar uf Liancarvan, to Harriet Anne, oulv daughter of the Rev. Dr. Williams, Master of Cou',.. bridge School, and Prebendary of Landaff—On Thursday last, the anniversary of the Powder Plot, at All Saints Church, Lewes, Mr. "Guy" to Miss "Fox"—At the Earl of itosslyn's House, in St. James's.square, Bethel' Walrond, Esq. M.P. of Montrath, De. vonshire, to the Right Hon. Lady Janet St. Clair, only daughter of the Earl of Rosslyn- At Marseilles, James Young, Esq. of Bellevue, Charente Inferieure, to Anne Mary Jane Rose, daughter of Bernardin Viola, LL.D. Esq. of Fontanella, near Trapani, Island a Sicily—At cork, Michael John Staunton, Esq. eldest son of the late John stannton Esq. of Machatra-castle, Boulogne, to Barbara Teresa, youngest daughter of William Fitzgerald, Esq. of Limerick- Dxasors.—After a few days' illness, at Lausanne, the Marquis of Headfort—tan lith hist. at her house in Portman-square, Margaret, Countess Dowager of Cloninel, in the 67th year of her age—In Maitland-street, Edinburgh, the Right Hun. Lady Jane Stuart, widow of the Hon. Sir John Stuart, of Fettercairn, Bart, one of the Barons id Exchegner—At the Parsonage, Great 'Jew, the Rev. Samuel Nash, Vicar of Enstone Great Tew—At the Mauritius, on his return to England, the Rev. T. P. Thomason—At lluish, Wilts, the Rev. H. Crowe, M.A.—On the 1st, inst. in Claremont-square, Loc. don, David Gordon. Esq. second son of Sir Alexander Gordon, of Culvennati—On the 9th inst. at his house, 22, Hart-street, Bloomsbury-square, Eugenius Roche, Esq. Editor of the Cuurier—At No. 19, Queen-street, on Monday. the 2d inst, aged twenty-sewn years, of a lingering decline, Mrs. Jones, wife of Mr. Jones, late of the Thesis,- Royal, and, in the same hour, after a few day's illness, their infant son, Itick0.1 Alexander, aged eight months—At Hampstead, the Rev. Thomas Belshain, the Unitarian Minister of the Chapel in Essex-street, tu the 80th year of his age—On the 7th inst. at Tonbridge Wells, in the 72d year of her age, Lady Hawley, relict of the late Sir Remy Hawley, Bart. of Leybourne Grange, Kent—At Bristol, Rhode Island, Mr. Melia': Campbell, a native of Malta, in the 37th year of his age, and one of the famous "tea party" at Boston when the taxed article was thrown into the sea, and a gallant soldier of the revolution.