Memorials Of Bernadotte, King Of Sweden.*
THIS book is neither more nor less than a mass of state papers. We should be sorry if theST had not been printed, though we can advise no one to read them except the political......
,vineyards In Belgium—oak Planting On Heaths.
Is any of your countrymen delight in a most beautiful and picturesque road, be- yond any drive I know in Europe, (I do not except the beauties of the Rhine.) let them take the......
Gleanings. Milen Cows Kept By Ants. — The Ants Keep And Feed
certain other insect., from which they extract a sweet nutritious liquid, in the same manner as we ob- tain milk from cows. There are two species of insects from which the......
Literary Announr!enients.
BOOSON TIIS PRESS OR PRiiPARING FOIE r tram eaTtox. A second edition of Lectures on English Poetry, with Historical Tales and Miscella- neon, Poems ; being the Literary Remains......