A second edition of Lectures on English Poetry, with Historical Tales and Miscella- neon, Poems ; being the Literary Remains of the late Henry Neels--A.littie work en- titled Conversations on Miniature Painting, by Miss Emma E. Kendrick--The author tif the Subaltern has in the press It series of lales under the title of the Country Curate —Trials Past By, by the author of the O'Hara Tales—Heiress of Bruges, a novel by Mt. Grattan—Proposals are in circulation for publishing Weeds and ',VIM Fiowers, by the lute Mr. Alex. Balfour, author of ' Campbell, or the Scott malt Probationer," " Characters omitted in Crabbe' Parish Register." 1,:e. eze. it is stated that SUIlle lite- rary friends have undertaken ti seiectioo and arrangement of this volume, to which a Bim,raphical Memoir will be prefixed; and that the whole free profits of the publication wego to Mr. Balfour's family—Dr. Seymour has in the press a work on the Diseases of the Ovaria; including Eucysted Dropsy and Malibaunt Diseases of those Organs : to which err waxed, Physiological 9heervation8 ou, the Structure aud Fuuctiens uf these Parts in the Human Being and in Animals—An Historical and Topographical Atlas of England and Wales, exhibiting its Geographical Features during the Roman, Saxon, Danish, and Norman governments, is preparing by Thomas Allen, author of the Histo- ries of York, Surrey, Sussex, &c.—The Panorama of the Thames, from London to Richmond, exhibiting every object on both Banks of the River.
Monro on the Gullet, second edition, 2 vols. 8vo. IL Is. bds.—Statutes, 8vo. 10 Geo. IV. 15s. bds.—Waddington on the Greek Church, crown 8vo. 6s. bds.—Tales of a Brief- less Barrister, 3 vols. post Svo. IL Ss. 6d. bds.—Calauty's Life and Times, 2 volt; 8vo. 11. Ss. lids.—Read's Political Economy. Elva. 12s. bds.—The Christian's Book, fey. 4s. kis. —Muhlenfel's Manual of German Literature 2 vols. fep. 16s. bds.—Wallich's Plantee Asiaticte, No. I. coloured, 21. 10s. bds.—Hooker's Flora Boreali. Americana, No. I. D. Is. —Oldlield's Waitilleet and Candleshoe, royal 8vo. I/. Is. deny 4to. 2/. 2s. bds.—Collins's Emigrant's Guide to the United States, 12mo. 3s. 6d. bds.—Brenan's Composition and Punctuation, 12ino. 2s. 6d. bds.—Gante of Billiards, Ithno. 2s. 6d. bds.—Blasis' Art of Dancing, 8vo. I4s. lals.—Hedgeland's General Knowledge, 2 vols. 12mo. 9s. lids.— Whishatv's New Law Dictionary, 8vo. I4s. lols.—Pinnock's English Grammar, 12mo. 4s. sheep.—Recollections of Italy, imperial 4to. H. Ito. Gd.; India paper, 2/. 2s. cloth.