The following gentlemen were ordained by the Lord Bishop of Ely, in the Chapel of the Palace of Ely, on Sunday last. Deacons-11. Foley, 31 .A. Emmanuel College ; W. Shel ford, 31.A. Emmanuel College: W. B. Collieck. B.A. Emmanuel College ; T. B.
Stuart, M.A. goeen', oilege ; It. Barrick, 31. A. Queen's College ; E. It. Smedley, M.A. Trinity Coileee A. Chapman, 13.A. Queen's College ; T. Riddell, M.A. Trinity College ; Myers, 31 A. College ; J. Hodgson, 13.A. Trinity College; E. Pea- cock, B.A. St. jolin's t ; V:. Potter, B.A. St. Peter's College; W. B. A. Raven, B.A. from the Bishop ■■,' Norwith. Priests—H. A Hint, 31.A . Pembroke College ; W. F. Wilkinson, 3i.A. Corpus Christi College ; E. Bates, B.A. Clare Hall : II. Taylor, B.A. Queen's l:ollege; W. Keeling, M.A. St. John's College--The following gentlemen of Cambridge CM versit y were ordained by the 13ishop of Exeter on the 2:it I; ult. Deacons —J. S. Cook esley, 13.A . SC. John's College, and F. Parker, .B.A.Triuity I !allege. Priests J. .1. Frobislo•r, B.A. Trinity College, and \V. Morsheztd, 13.A. Sidney College—ni,, Royal Highne, the Doke of SiLtseN ha, appointed the Rev. S. Braham, M.A. one of his Royal Iliahness's Domestic Chaplains-- His Majesty's principal secretary of State for
Foreign Affairs lion been pleased to it lit! and his Majesty's Government to appoint, the Rev. J. H. Simpson, MA, of Pembroke College, to the place and oftice of
Chaplain to his Majesty's Government established in St. Michael's and the Azore Islands—The Rev. S. E. Needle. 31.A. has been instituted to the Vicarage of Hough- ton next Harpley, in Norfolk, on the presentation of the Marquis of ChohnotakIty- The Rev. E. .1. Senkler, ill A. has been licensed to the perpetual Curacy of Barmer, Nor- folk, on the nomination of T. Kerslake, Esq. et' Ly ne Grove, in Surrey.—The Rev. H. Spencer has been licensed to the perpetual Curacy of Crimplesham, Norfolk, on the no- mination of the Bishop of Ely.—The Rev. Mr. Yorke, ill A. has been presented oy the Countess de Grey, to the Rectory of She/Meld, Essex, vacant by the death of the Rev. Mr. Salter.