WAit-OPer CE, Nov. 9.—Ist Reg. Dragoon Guards: Cor. IE Cosby, to be Lieut. by pur- chase, vice 11.5. Thompson, who retires Phibbs, Gent. to 1;e Cm, by purchase, vice Gosbv--2d Dragoon Guards : Lieu t. 11. W. Charlton, to be Adj. vice Griffith, who re- signs the Adjutancy only-5th Dragoon Guards : Lieut. W. Lint! II, from the 25th Foot, to be Lieut. and Adj. vice Grilfith, who exchanges-8th Foot : Ens. W. Chearnley, to lie Lieut. by purchase, vice Howard, who retires ; to be Ensigns, by purchase—C. T. Bald- win, Gent. vice Caldwell, mein oted in list Foot ; W. Ogilvy, Gent. vice Chearnley-
25111 Foot: Lieut..1. Griffith. fr■ f,th Dragoon Cnards, to be Lieut. vice Linskill, who exchanges-37th Foot : Quar.-M as.- Serg. Ilayes, to be Quar—Mas. vice J. Holmes,
who retires upon full-pay-47th Foot Limit. C. Thorsby, from half-pay, to be Lieut. vice H. Watts, who eschanges t Ens. J. J. D. If. 31'1 tenalil, from 92d Foot, to be Ens. vice Hope, whose apD:tilitinen t has not taken pin ee—:.:3,1 Foot : Assist—Sur. M. Bardin, from "tith Emit, to be Assist:Sur.—;,7th Foot : II. II. Graham, Gent. to be Ens. by pur- chase, vice Singleton, who retires-65th Foot : Assist—Sur. W. S. M'Credie, from 60th Foot, to be A s..ist.-Sur.-6Stl, Foot Capt. J. Menzies, to be Maj. by purchase, vice Win- niett, who retires; Limit. II. Smyth, to be Capt. by purchase, vice Menzies ; Ens. L. Bayly, to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Smyth ; G.31'13eath, Gent. to be Ens, by purchase, vice 1)ayly-72d Foot : It. It. Ross, Gent. to be Ens. bv purchase, vice Thursby, promoted ---731 Foot : Ens. C. II.Colstoo, to be Lieut, by purchase, vice WiddrIngton, promoted ; E. E. Langford, Gent. to be Ens, hy in:rein:se, vice Colston-76th Foot u Lieut. P. H. Michell, to be ('apt. by purchase, vice 11 etherington, who retires ; Ens. W. Ray, to be Lieut. by purchase, vie, ti ,e E esi.,ms—E es. Hon. C. O'Callaghan, from half- pay, vice E. Lucas, who exeleings ; W. IL K■ cc, Gem. by purchase, vice Ray—bulb Foot : J.11. Pearson, timit, to be En,. by imrci.ase, vice Chichester, promoted-92d
Foot Ens. 'I'. D. Gordon, ;roe, Eo.d, to be Eos. vie 3I'Donald, appointed to 47th Foot—Unattached ; Lieut. A. I.. T. Vt iddrington, from 74fil Foot, Colic Capt. of Infantry, bv ;-nu-chase ; to be Limits. of Infantry, by purchase—Ens. C. Thursby, from 72d Foot ; E 'is. A. C. Chichester, from Silth Foot—Memoramia : the undermentioned officers have been allowed to retire from the service by the sale of unattached commissions :—Lieut.
F. Hall, half-pay 14th Light Dragoons ; Cam. G. F. Dick, half-pay 7th Foot ; Lieut. G. Wilton, half.poy 2d Provisional Battalion of Militia.