SIR ELIAB HARVEY has been guilty of one of the unkindest things that we have witnessed for a long time past. He died on Saturday the 7th instant—so at least said the Standard, and the Journal swore it. All the Protestantism of England and Essex was immediately on the hunt for a worthy successor, and Sir HENRY SMYTH was the man fixed on. Would Sir HENRY stand ? Most certainly he would; he had pledged himself to support the Church, and he would redeem his pledge. The Journa/ threw up its cap, and shouted Sir HENRY SmyTif for ever ! And having put forward Sir linNav as candidate, it could do no less than furnish him with an opponent cut and dry • there would otherwise have been no honour in his election. Colonel BRAXSTONE was indeed but a feeble opponent ; he sent two of his sons to vote for Mr. PEEL at Oxford—there was no hope of his suc- ceeding ; Sir laxity would knock him deaf to time in a couple of rounds.
On Thursday, our contemporary put forth, under the title of" Truths of the Day,--(a well-contrived headher of the Journal, as it saves one a great deal of unrequited search)—the; following announcement :— " Sir Henry Smyth, the tried friend of the people and Protestantism, will be returned for Essex, in the room of the latc member, Admiral Sir E. Harvey."
How could our readers have believed, that after all this trouble— after forming a ring, engaging seconds, and bringhr Sir HENRY and the gallant Colonel, will-hc mil -he, to the scratch—when all was readv for the set-to, Sir ELIAB would behave so turenteel ?—he has come alive again ! Yes, after being buried a whole week, he has returned to the glimpses of the nioon, as fisesh and hearty as ever. We quote the Journal once more as our authority. Having returned Sir HENRY for Essex on Thursday, it thus unceremoniously transfers him to the Hundred of Chiltern on friday :— " We have great pleasure in announcing that the report of the death of Sir E. Harvey was premature ; and long do we hope that the gallant Admiral may survive to represent the Protestant interest of the county of Essex."
Positively, after his place was so well filled, we do not know how the old Admiral can now look his constituents in the face. If he did come alive, he should at least have said nothing about it, after so much pains was taken to kill him.