14 NOVEMBER 1846, Page 18


Tuesday, Nov. 10, 1846.

Wes-envies, Nov. 9.-Her Majesty has been pleased to appoint the fhllowing Moen to take rank by Brevet as undermentioned ; the commissions to be dated Nov..9, 1846.

Generals to be Field-Marshals in the Army-Sir G. Nugent, Bart. G.C.B., T. Gros- venor, Henry William Marquis of Anglesey, K.G.-G.C.B.

Lieutenant-Generals to be Generals is the Army-Sir C. Imhoff, G. Gordon, C. Craven, J. Orde, Sir C. B. Egerton, G.C.M.G., Sir H. J. Cumming,T. B. Reynardson, John Earl of Carysfort, Sir P. Maitland, K.C.B., Hon. T. E. Capel, G. R. Mundy, Sir C. Halkatt, K.C.B.. Right Hon. Sir F. Adam, G.C.B. G.C.M.G.

Mgion-Generala to be Lieutenaht-Oenerals in the Array-Hon. H. B. Lygon, Hon. E • P. Lygon, C.B., H. Shadforth, A. Lloyd, J. M. Hamerton, C.B., P. J. Parry, Sir D• Rimenes, D. Colquhoun C. Nicol, C.B., Sir W. Tuyll, Sir G. H. F. Berkeley, K.C.B., 8. H. Berkeley, Sir C. 1. Napier, G.C.B., H. Tomei, Sir J. Dickson, K.C.B., Sir King. C.B., Sir E. Gibbs, K.C.B., Sir G. T. Napier, K.C.B., Han. Sir H. R. Pakenbast, K.0 B., Sir J. Harvey, K.C.B., Sir G. Scovell, K.C.B., Ulysses Lord Downes,

Sir N. Douglas, K.C.B., George Marquis of Tweeddale, K T. C.B., Sir F. W. Trench, Alexander George Lord Bahian), K.C.B., H. Wyndham, Sir E. Bowater. Sir W. M. Gomm, K.C.B.

Colonels to be Major-Generals in the Army-C. E. Conyers, C.B.. half-pay Inspecting Field-officer-G. A. Henderson, half-pay Inspecting Field-officer-R. Parke, half-pay unatt.-R. B. Macpherson, C. B. half-pay unatt.-P. Hay, half-pay 25th Light Drags. J. Allan, C.B. of the 57th Foot-A. Money, C.B. half-pay 60th Foot-D. Forbes, C.B. half-pay 78th Foot-J. F. Ewart, C.B. Inspecting Fieid-oineer of a Recruiting District-H. A. Proctor, C.B. half-pay 6th Foot-W. Jervois. balf-pay 53d Foot-W. Riddell, half-pay unatt.-T. F. Addison, half-pay 99th Foot-Sir F. Cockburn, 2d West India Regt.-T. Steele, half-pay unatt.-C. J. Doyle, half-pay 2d Garrison Battalion- T. Charretie, half-pay 7th West India Regt.-Sir G. Arthur, Bart., half-pay York Chasseurs-E. Parkinson, C.B. half-pay ilth Foot-T. H. Blair, C.B. half-pay unatt. -B. Lluellyn, C.B. half-pay unatt.-1. Hare, C.B. half-pay 20th Light Drags.-R. Egerton, C.B.-half-pay unatt.-Sir W. Chalmers, C.B. half-pay unatt.-C. Beekvritb, C.B. half-pay unatt.-W. Campbell, C.B. half-pay unatt.-I. C. Bourchler, half-pay 22d Light Drags.-j. Grant, C.B. half-pay unatt.-T. W. Taylor, C.B. half-pay mutt, Lieut.-Gov. Royal Mil. Coll.-L. Arguimbau, C.B. half-pay let Foot-Sit H. G. W. Smith, Bart., G.C.B. half-pay unatt.-F. Calvert, C.B. half-pay unatt.-W. Staveley, C.B. half-pay unatt- Deputy-Quartermaster-Gen. Mauritius-Sir De L. Evans, K.C.B. half-pay unatt.-W. H. Scott, half-pay unatt.-H. P. Davison, half-pay 5th West Lid* Regt.-Sir T. Wiltshire, Bart., K.C.B. half-pay unatt. Commandant at Chatham-Han, H. E. Butler, half-pay 2d Garrison Battalion-R. Fleming, C.B. Inspecting Field-onli5er of a Recruiting District-J. Holt, C.B. half-pay unatt.-P. Bainbrigge, C.B. half-paT unatt. Deputy-Quartermaster-Gen. In Ireland-T. E. Napier, C.B. unatt. Depnty-Adjt. Gen. in Ireland-N. Thorn, C B. half-pay, Permanent Assist.-Quartermaster-Gen.-Wt. H. Sewell, C.B. 94th Foot-W. L. Darling, half-pay 2d Garrison Battalion-Sir 3, Thackwell, K.C.B. 3d Light Drags.-Sir W. L. Berries, C.B. balf-pay unatt.-.J.

tiltonald, C.B. 92d Foot-T. S. St. Clair, C.B. half-pay unatt.-G. W. Patty, C.B.

half-pay unatt.-T. J. Wemyss, C.B. half-pay unatt.-R. B. Gabriel, C.B. half-pay 22d Light Drags.-H. Thomas, C.B. half-pay unatt.-W. Rowan, C.B. half-pay unatt. -J. S. Kennedy, C.B. half-pay unatt.-Arthur William Moyses Lord Sandys, half-pay unatt.-Sir T. H. Browne, half-pay unatt.-T. P. Howard, half-pay 23d Light Drags.-- R.- W. 35111a, half-pay 9th Foot-F. Ashworth, half-pay 58th Foot-R. B. Faeroe, C.B. 40th Foot-H. Batneavis, C.M.G. half-pay unatt.-V. E. Eyre, late Horse Grenadier Guards-T. T. Wooldridge, half-pay 91et Foot-G. L. Goldie, C.B. half-pay nail.-G. P. Higginaon, half-pay unatt.-G. Bowles, half-pay unatt.-T. Banbury, 67th Foot- Hon. H. F. C. Cavendish, 1st Regt. Life Guards-P. Ray, half-pay Scots Fusilier Guard! -H. Godwin, C.B. half-pay 87th Foot-T. W. Bobbies, half-pay 18th Foot-R. Mae- neil, 78th Foot-G. D. Pitt, Inspecting Field-offieer of a Recruiting District-W. Stith. erland, 5th Foot-11. Balmy, C.B. half-pay unatt.-Hon.. C. Gore, C.B. Deputy-Quar- termaster-Gen. in Canada, half-pay unatt.-11. Dalyell, half-pay unatt.-W. L. Wal- ton, half-pay unatt.-C. R. Fox, half-pay unatt. Aide-de-Camp to the Queen-C. A. Shaw, Coldstream Foot Guards.

Lieutenant-Colonels to be Colonels in the Army-A. Findlay, half-pay African Corps-,

W. Bush, First West India Begt.-F. T. Buller, half-pay unatt.-H. Dullard, 99th Feet - B. C. Browne, half-pay unatt.-S. Brock, half-pay 48th Foot-E. W. Bell, hatf-pay unatt.-A. Campbell. C.B. 9th Light Drags.-J. Reed, half-pay 54th Foot-J. asses, half-pay unatt.-E. Carlyon, half-pay 66th Foot-T. Burke, half-pay 4th Foot-T. Sr Trafford, half-pay 24th Foot-C. Chambers, 25th Foot-W. Graham, half-pay unatt.- James Thomas Earl of Cardtgan, 11th Light Drags.--G. .Thornton,. Grenadier Fopti Guards-W. C. Coles, half-pay unatt.-Sir M. Creagh, half-pay unatt.-.7. Eden, C.B. half-pay unatt. Assist.-Adjt.-Gen. In North Britain-E. R. Story, half-pay tmatt.-Six R. Burdett, Bart. half-pay unatt.-C. Shee, half-pay unatt.-H. R. Hartley, half-pay unatt.-H. W. Barnard, Gzenadier Foot Guards-J. Campbell, half-pay unatt.-ffirCe Chichester, 81st Foot-Hon. C. Grey, half-pay unatt.-William Lord de Ros, half-per unatt.-J. Geddes, half-pay unatt.- W. H. Cornwall, Coldstream Foot Guards-0:T. Maclean, half-pay unatt.-P. S. Stanhope, Grenadier Foot Guards-C. C. Blane, half, pay unatt.-B. Brinkman, Coldstream Foot Guards-P. pandas, half-pay tmatt.- E. F. Boys, 45th Foot-C. M. Hay, Coldstream Guards-F. Farquharson, 7th Foot- Hon. H. Montague, Scots Fusilier Guards-C. Leslie, half-pay unatt.-H. E. Porter. half-pay unatt.-G. E. Jones, 57th Foot-J. D. Rawdon, half-pay unatt.-W. Peruse, C.B. 16th Light Drags.-W.Beckwith, half-pay unatt-H. E. Robinson, half-pay unatt.

- G. Todd, half-pay unatt.-Hon. E. G. D. Pennant, half-pay unatt. -F. V. Harcourt, half-pay unatt.-Hon. H. S. Fane, half-pay unatt.-H.W.Breton, 4th Foot-A. T. Mae- lean, half-pay 13th Lt. Drags.-Arthur Marge. of Douro, half-pay unatt.-G. Gawler, half-pay unatt.-J. J.W. Angerstein, Grenadier Guards-T. Marten, 1st Drags.-Sir J. M. Burgoyne, Bart. Grenadier Foot Guards-P. J. Yorke, Scots Fusilier Guards-T. G. Ball, half-pay unatt.-E. Mourns, 69th Foot-W. Cox, half-pay unatt.-W. Croker,, C.B. 17th Foot-H. Capadose, 1st West India Regt.-G. M. Eden, Scots Fusilier Gds.-- G. Dixon, Scots Fusilier Guards-F. Mauna:II, Inspecting Field-Officer of a Recruiting District-G. Baker, half-pay unatt.-W. J. Codrington, Coldstream Foot Guards-W. Turner, half-pay unatt.-W. Fludyer' Grenadier Foot Guards-J. Ross, St. Helena Regt.-J. W. Frith, Inspecting Field-officer of a Recruiting District-T. Fans, half, pay unatt.

Majors to be Lieutenant-Colonels in the Army-T. Wright, half-pay Royal Staff Corps,, W. J. King, half-pay Royal Staff Corps-Hon. N. H. C. Massey, half-pay unatt.--. J. J. Hollis, 25th Foot-J. Proctor, 30th Foot-F. Barrallier, half-pay Rine Brigade- J. Henderson, half-pay unatt.-P. S. Norman, 56th Foot-S. Workman, half-pay unatt. J. Swinburn, half-pay unatt.-R. Kelly, half-pay unatt. Fort Major at Dartmouth- G. Stuart, half-pay 42d Foot-T. Kelley half-pay Cheshire Feneffilm, Fort Major a; Tilbury Fort-U. Macgregor, 5th Foot-C. A. Bayley, C.M.G. half-pay unatt.-A. A. O'Reilly, half-pay nett.-D. F. Johnson, 5th Foot--G. Macpherson, Royal Canadian Rifle Regt.-R. E. Burrowes, half-pay unatt.-T. Gloater, half-pay unatt.-T. G. Har- riotte, half-pay Royal Staff Corps-J. Walter, 95th Foot-J. K. Ross, half-pay unatt.- E. Wilmot, half-pay unatt.-E. B. Brooke, 64th Foot.-C. F. Lardy, halfpay unatt.- E. G. W. Kepple, half•pay unatt.-R. H. Willoocks, 81st Foot-J. Mica:mut-lee, half-pay unatt.-H. D. Maclean, half-pay unatt.-J. Campbell, 38th Foot-J. Blood, half-pay Royal Waggon Train-E. Allen, half-pay unatt.-.T. C. Young, half-pay unatt.-F. H pa, half-pay. unatt.-J. Bowes, 87th Foot-L. A. During, half-pay unatt.-J. S. Smith, 1st Drag. Guards-B. Jackson, half-pay Royal Staff Corps-A. Tennant, 35th Foot-W. N. Orange, 67th Foot-Sir J. J. Hamilton, Bart. half-pay unatt -C. Deane, 1st Foot-H. A. O'Neill, half-pay unatt.-Hon. W. N. Bill, half-pay unatt.-B. Clinton, half-pay unatt-C. Stewart, half-pay unatt.-F. C. Irwin, half-pay unatt.-H. C. Cowell, half-pay unatt.-J. Flamank, half-pay unatt.

Captains to be Majors in the Army-I. Foster, 3d West India Regt.-R. A. Andrews, 30th Foot-J. Spence, 5th Foot T. Draper, 64th Foot-H. Penleaze, Grenadier Foot Guards-G. Weston, 14th Light Drags.-J. Harris, 24th Foot-T. J. Taylor, 78th Foot -J. J. Peck, 2d West India Regt.-43. R. Jones, 6th Drag. Guards-Sir J. E. Alex, ander, 14th Foot-D. Burns, 19th Foot-B. Bender, 825 Foot-R. H. J. B. APCum- ming, 15th Foot -W. Atkin, Royal Canadian Rifle Regt -D. Stuart, 46th Foot-H. F. Ainslie, 83d Foot-J. R. Heyland, 35th Foot-W. H. Robinson, 72d Foot-G. Mynas, 26th Foot-T. J. Deverell, 67th Foot-F. Eld, 90th Foot-W. B. Caldwell, 92d Foot-- 11. Carr, 38th Foot.-T. M. Wilson, 96th Foot-A. Splaine, 81st Foot J1. Bush, 96th Foot-J. A. Robertson, 82d Foot-C. Kelton, Ceylon Rifle Regt -J. Ward, 81st Foot- Hon. G. C. W. Forester, Royal Regt. of Horse Guards-J. Norman, 54th Foot-A. W. Mackay, 21st Foot-J. R. Brunker, 15th Foot-G. P. Bushe, 7th Light Drags.-C. F. Maxwell, 824 Foot-R. Vansittart, Coldstream Foot Guards-J. Widahon Kidd, 87th Foot-H. B. Harvey, 87th Foot-E. A. G. Muller, lot Foot-W. J. Clerke, 77th Foot- A. Bolton, 5th Drag. Guards-W. Hamilton, 78th Foot-W. J. Smolders, sub Foot- J. Graham, 89th Foot-it. L. Phipps. 68th Foot-C. A. Windham, Coldstream Foot Guards-J. Nicholson,99th Foot-T. Tulloch, 42d Foot-G. 0. Moore, 82d Foot-Hon. R. E. Boyle; Coldstream Foot Guards-J. H. 0. Moore, 35th Foot-L. S. O'Connor, lot West India. Regt.--.1. Piggott, St. Helena Regt.-A. Horne, 12th Foot-G. S. Deverill, 90th Foot-L. F. Jones, 96th Foot-H. P. Raymond, lot Foot-H. S. Bruera,434Foot- 11. Grimes, 98th Foot-T. M. likidulph, hat Life Guards-D. Young, 39th Foot-F. Ro- milly, Scots Fusilier Guards-T. E. Lacy, 72dFoot -P. Smyly. 99th Foot-O. S. Bloch- ford, 15th Light Drags.-J. Gray, 40th Foot-H. J. Pogson, half-pay Ceylon RegL Garri- son Quartermaster at Gibraltar-J. Holland, 86th Foot-E. C. Sudan, 2d W. I. RegL- B. V. Layard, 37th Foot-J. L. Eiringtou, Coldstream k'oot Grds-W. E. Hammer, Royal Horse Guards-J Impett, 25th Foot- G. W. Miaow, 4th Drag. Guards-H. R. Thar- low, 90th Foot-G. Talbot, 43d Foot-J. Campbell, 87th Foot-E. Littledale, 1st Drags.

-C. Murray, 16th Foot-Hon. D. H. Murray, Scots Fusilier Guards-R. Benne, 724 Foot-R. Going, 1st Foot-R. S. Murray, 38th Foot-J. Bolton, 75th Foot-M. S. H. Lloyd, 2d Foot-W. Barnes, 17th Foot -T. H. Tidy, 14th Foot-C. James, 84th Foot- E. C. Ansel], 74th Foot-D. Riley, 29th Foot-C. H. Edmonstone, 81st Foot-G. E. Aylmer, 93d Foot-J. Mayne, 1st Foot-R. F. B. Rushbrooke, Scots Fustier Guthrie- 11-.13. Cowper, 40th Foot-A. Jardine, 75th Foot-E. Foy, 71st Foot-H. A. Kerr, 1st Foot-J. Roche, 24 Life Guards-T. Skinner, Ceylon Rifle Regt.-J. Clarke, let West Delta ltegt.-F. M. Martyn, 2d Life Guards-W. H. Gillman, 68th Foot-J. Wegg, 56th Foot-R. C. Lloyd, 76th Foot-J. Fraser, 35th Foot-M. G. Sparks, 10th Foot-A. A. Barnes, 25th Foot-G. F. C. Scott, 76th Foot-Hon. A. N. Hood, Scots Fusilier Guards -W. D. Davenport, 94th Foot-W. Sutton, Cape Mounted Rifles-T. Abbott, 3d West India llegt.-A. I. Lockhart, 924 Foot-W. Shaw, 3d West India Regt.-T. Moore, 12th FoOt-J. Ford, 434 Foot- G. M•Beath, 68th Foot-Hon. H. Pitt, Royal Horse Guards-W. R. Holiday, 93d Foot-W. Johnson, 65th Foot.

Rossi. ARTILLERY.-Major-Gesseseds to be Lieutenant-Generale in the Army-Sir T. Downman, C.B., Sir J. H. Came-roes, K.C.B., A. Watson, E. V. Wortley, H. Evelegh, Hon. H. W. Gardner, 2'. Walker, J. W. Tobin.

C01071,2140 ba lIctior-Geueraltis the Army-J Meteor. late Royal Irish Artillery, J. Dying, late Royal Irieh Artillery, P. Campbell, retired Royal Artilery, J. B. Parker, re- tired Royal Artillery, W. G. Power, A. Macdonald, T. J. Forbes, A. Munro, J. P. Cock- burn, R. H. Birch, J. Armstrong, T. Paterson, N. W. Oliver, R. J. J. Lacy.

Lieutenant-Colonels to be Colonels in the Army-Sir W. M. G. Colebrooke, T. Tisdall, late Royal Irish Artillery, W. Cator, J. Chester, half-pay Royal Artillery, A. Maciach- Ian, C. Gilmour. retired Royal Artillery, S. Kirby, retired Royal Artillery, J. W. Kettiewell, retired Royal Artillery, G. C. Coffin. retired Royal Artillery, J. S. Bastard, T. G. Browne, D. Grant, H. A. Scott, W. Wyide, C.B.

Captain to be Majors in the Army-W. H. Bent, F. Ward, W.B. Ingilby, T. O. Cater, H.. Pester, R. W. Story, Cr. James, C. H. Norett, J. Bloomfield, H. Palliser, R. L. Gar- Min, J. AI Wilson, B. Tomkyns, H. Williams, R. G. B. Wilson, B. Cuppage, R. Burn, R. B. Burnaby, J. H. Griffin, T. A. Lethbridge, D. Thorndike, H. Stow, W. Fraser, C:Gostling, C. H. Mee, T. Deabrlaay, C. B.Symous, T. C. Robe.

ROYAL ENMNEERS.-Mojor-Generals to be Lieutenant-Generals in the Army-E. W. Durnibrd, Sir G. Whitmore, F. R. Thackeray, C.B., Sir S. R. Chapman, C.B., J. F• Birch. C.B., G. Metals, G. Wright.

Colonel] to be Major-Generals in the Army-Sir W. Gusset, C.B., G. Cardew, T. Fyers, Z. Fanshawe, C.B., T. Cunningham, T. Colby.

Lieutenant-Colonels to be Colonels in the Army-Sir J. M. F. Smith, R. Jones, T. Moody, M. C. Dixon, P. D. Calder.

C.optai;, to be Majors in the Army-G. Tait, H. R. Brandreth, C. 0. Streatfcild, J. E. Portlo$k, C. C. Alexander, G. C. Page, 11..gandham, T. C. Page, H. Sandltam, P.

C. Luxnuire, W. Faris, F. H. haddeiey, T. Budgeon, V. J. Biscoe, H. P. Wulff.

ROYAL4IARINEs.-Colonels to be Major-Generals in the Army-E. Nicolls, G. Lewis, C,Z., E. awrence, C.B., G. Jones. T. B. Adair, C.B., W. H. Connelly, G. Beatty. Lientenisr.1-Colonel to be Colonel in the Arney-I. Woolelge.

Captains to be Majors in the Army-B. Ford, H. J. Gillespie, David M'Adam, S• Germston, J. H. Stevens, W Taylor, C. C. Pratt, H. I. Delaconabe, G. H. Coryton, J • Ashmore„C. Fagan, R. L. Hornbrook, T. Scott, W. L. Dawes, J. A. Philips, W. Jol- ltffe, W. Calamy, J. Fynmure.

ADMIRALTY, Nov. 9.-This day, in pursuance of her Majesty's pleasure, the following Flag Cinders other Majesty's Fleet were promoted, viz.- Admiral of the Red to be Admiral of the Fleet-Sir G. Martin, G.C.B. 0.C.M.G. Admirals of the White to be Admirals of the Red-P. Stephens, Sir W. Hotham, G.C.B.. Sir E. Codrington, G.C.B. G.C.M.G., Sir G. Parker, K.C.B Admirals of the Bisset° be Admirals • s f the White-Sir C. Ogle, Rack. E. D. Gavot, D"Arcy Preston, 31. Dobson, Hon. Sir J. Talbot, G.C.B., J. Pittard Vice-Admirals of the Red to be Admirals of the Blue-H. R. Glynn. Sir E. Hamilton, Bart. K.C.B., Sir R. Laurie, Bart. K.C.B., Sir W. H. Gage, Kut. G.C.H.

Vice-Admirals of the White to be Vice.Admirals of the Red-James Marquis of Tho- mond, G.C.H., R. Matson, J. Mackellar, G. Barker, Sir C. Adam, K.C.B., W. Granger, Sir A. Drummond, Ent. K.C.H., Sir T. Livingstone, Bart., Sir F. W. Austen, K.G.B.

nee-Admirals of the Blue to be Flee-Admirals of the White-T. J. Mating, Sir J. A. Ommaney, K.C.B., Z. Mudge, H. HILL A. W. Schomberg, Sir E. D. King, Knt. K.C.H., Sir G. Mundy, K.C.B., F. Warren, J. Carthew, Sir T. Briggs, G.C.M.G., Right Hon. Thomas Hari of Duncionald, N. Tomlinson, Sir W. Parker, Bart. G.C.B., G. SPKinley.

Rear-Admirals of the .Red to be Vice-Admirals of Use Blue-K. Curry, C.B., Sir J. W. Lor- ing, K.C.B. K.C.H., Sir R. H. Bromley, Bart., Hon. D. P. Bouverie, J. Dick, P. Ribou- lean, M. Buckle, J. Allen, J. Noble, C. J. W. Nesham, Sir C. Batten, K.C.B. K.C.H., J. Wight, W. Young, B. M. Praed.

Bear-Admirals of the White to be Rear-Admirals of the Red-S. Butcher. It. Jackson,

C. B. H. Ross, C.B., Sir C. Malcolm, KM., Hon. G. Elliott, C.B., Rt. Hon. Lord W. Fitzroy, K.C.B., M. Goodwin, Sir H. Pigot, Knt. C B. K.C.H., E. Hawker, Sir C. Richardson, K.C.B., F. Temple, H. Gordon, Sir J. A. Gordon, K.C.B., Hon. F. W. Ayl- mer, C.B., R. Thomas, J. R. Decree, J. S. Carden, J. Sykes, J. Impey, H.M. Ommanney.

Rear-Admirals of the Blue to be Rear-Admirals of the White-Sir J. C. Coghill, Bart., T. Ayscough, Sir T. J. Cochrane, Knt. C.B., Sir G. F. Seymour, Knt. C.B. G.C.H., Hon. G. Poulett, Sir W. B. Proctor, Bart-, C. J. Johnstone, E. Betsey, C. P. B. Bate- man, M.A. N. de Starck, A. Lysaght, Hon. J. Percy, C.B., Hon. Sir A. Maitland, C.B. K.C.M.G., Hon. G. L. Proby, Right Hon. Granville George Lord Radatock, C.13., Right Hon. George Earl Cadogan, C.B., Sir E. Tucker, K.C.B.

Captains to be Rear-Admirals of the Blue-J. M. Gordon, Sir W. H. Dillon, Hut., K.C.H., T. Searle, C.B., H. Hope, C.B., Sir T. Umber, Kat, C.B. K.C.H., W. Ward, Sir S. J. B. Pechell, Bart-, C.B. K.C.H., R. Elliot, C. F. Daly, C.B., Hon. Sir F. B. R. Pellew, Kut. C.B. K.C.H., Sir F. A. Collier, Knt. C.B. K.C.H., Hon. J. W. King, Sire. Napier, K.C.B. J. B. Parris, W. H. Shirreff, R. Arthur, C.B., P. Hornby, C.B., Hon. W. Gordon, C. J. Austen, C.B., P. Brown.

Commanders to be Captains-J. Koine, G. G. Burton, P. G. Thames, W. H. Higgs, J. S. W. Johnson, G. Baker, H. Layton, W. H. Kitchen, J. Cake, R. F. Gambler, A. parley, J. R. Booth, Sir C. Ricketts, Bart., T. S. Thompson, W. H. Jervis, J. W. D. Brisbane, H. E. Edgell, H. B. Young, J. H. Ward, E. St. Leger Cannon, J. Macdonell, R. Barton, F. H. H. Glasse, C. G. Robinson, W. Louis, Hon. R. Gore, C. J. Bosanquet, CA). Hayes, J. Simpson, G. T. Gordon, Hon. E. Plunkett, E. Ommanney, W. F. (Ren- ville, D. Curry, W. K. Stephens, W. W. Chambers, C. M. M. Wright, G. G. Macdonald, J. W. Noble, G. H. P. White, H. M. E. Allen, W. Maclean, J. W. Morgan, W. W. Bornby.

Lieutenants to be Commanders-E. Monday, 0. Kennicott, J. T. Knott, H. J. Jones, G.:Bottler, D. Welch, F. White. J. Bowie, W. H. Brand, J. Harding, J. Stephen, J• RAwstorne, G. Caswell, W. Crltchell, G. Soong, W. Carr, W. V. Read, C. E. Wilmot, 0."Goldfirah, W. T. Griffiths, E. Franklin, R. Dowse, W. Hamley, J. W. Finch, J. J. M'Donnell, W. Howat, H. E. Wingrove, W. Hoseason, E. E. Gray, C. liadaway, G. Harvey, W. O'Bryen Hoare, A. N. Darman, C. Jenkin, W. M. 1. G. Pasce, J. B. West, W.Charnbers, T. M. Rodney, C. H. Baker, W. G. Maude, H. Byng, G. Lavle, W. R. Menus, J. W. Tarieton, F. Holland, W. Reid, R. D. Fowler, J. H. Norcock, D. R. B. Mapleton, G. Gore, W. Barrie, A. lieseltine, W. H. Debbie, A. Little, E. Little, C. Y• Campbell, H. S. Hawker, J. J. B. E. Frere, G. G. Randolph, IL Curtis, H. A. Story, C • J. Balfour, W. F. Burnett, F. E. Johnstone, H. E. S. Winthrop, T. H. Christian, A• Cumming, 0. P. Knott, G. Johnson, Hon. O. IL Keane. T. Carmichael, R. R. Quin, R. R. Western, E. M. Lyons, Right Hon. Lord A. W. Beauclerk, H. King, (B,) R. S. Smith, J. Willcox, J. M. R. Ince, J. B. Willoughby.

Mates to be Lieutenants-C. Vesey, R. Berington, P. R. Couch, J. S. Darrell, G. A.

E. Ridge, It. IL H. Mends, T. A. Swinburne, 0. M. C. Read, F. W. Gough, C. F. Des Vceux, E. A. Forchar, S. S. Skipwith, W J. S. Pullen, G. M. Smith, A. G. E. Murray, T. T. Healey, E. H. G. Lambert, U. Nelson, W. H. Phipps, W. Sw inborn.

Second Madan to. keMattens-T. Arundel, G. J, Gibbon, D. 31`Donell Jago, R. Read, J. W. Symonds, W. H. Crane, B. Simpson, D. J. Louttid, J. Stokes, H. Norway, F. J. Kent, T. J. Whilller, W. Squire, R. T. &modem J. N. Willis, W. H. Williams, J. F. Beckett, J. Walls, T. Edwards, S. Spain.

Assistant-Surgeons to be Stirueone-L. D. Buchanan, R. Haywood, T. Tait, Acheson, J. S. Davidson, W. Roberta, W. Crofton, J. T. Jenkins, T. Crawford, D. Ritchie, R. Dalton, It. Anderson, E. H. Derriman. M.D., J. G. Risk, p.. Brown, J. H• Haire, 3. G. Buchanan, D. Russell, H. O'Hagan, M.D., H. J. Domville.

Clerks to be Paymasters and Pursers-W. Meredith, C. J. J. Brown, E. D. Bach, W.

F. Maturin, C. H. Elkens, H. K. Conquer, J. B. Ilay, F. Gilbert, W. B. Pearce, H. 5. Hooper, C. S. Giles, J. W. Amen, A. Nash, S. Fisher, T. M. Ramage, J. E. Antey, W. Wiles, J. P. P. Cole, G. Ramsden, T. Pidcock.

Friday, Nov. 13, 1846. Wes-Oenza, Nov. 9.-lat Regt. Life Guards-ilajor and Lieut.-Col. J. Hall to be Lieut•-Col. and Col. without purchase ; Brevet Major K. Parker to be Major and Lieut.-Col. vice Hall; Lieut. W. Anderton to be Capt. vice l'arker. 3d Light Dregs, -Brevet Lieut.-Col. G. B. Lockwood, C.B. to be Lieut.-Col. without purchase ; Capt. J. W. Yarbury to be Major, vice Lockwood; Lieut. • Martin to be Capt. vice Yerbury ; Comet C. R. Colt to be Lieut. vice Martha. Coldstream Foot Guards- Brevet Col. C. A. F. Bentinek to be Lieut.-Col• without purchase ; Brevet Col. H. J. W. Beatinek to be Major, vice C. A. F. Bentiock ; Lieut. and Cant• B. Vansittart to be Capt. aad Lieut.-Col• vice H. J. W. Bentinck • 5th Foot-Major D. E John. son to he Lieut.-Col. without purchase ; Capt. 3. Spence to be Major, vice Johnson ; Lieut. W. S. Scrogge to be Capt. vice Spence; Sec. Lieut. J. S. Hegira to be First Lieut. vice Scrogga. 67th Foot-Mojor E• B. Brooke to be Lieut -Col without par- ches; Brevet-Major T. J. Adair to be Major, vice Brooke ; Lieutenant William klieworth to be Captain, vice Adair ; EnsignJ. C. Murray to be Lleut• vice l'iltworth. 78th Foot-Major J. Forbes to be Lieut.-Col. without purchase ; Brevet Major 11. 1. P• Vassal' to be Major, vice Forbes ; Lieut. D. St. V. Hamilton to be Capt. vice Vita- min ; Ensign G. F. Sydenham to be Lieut. vice Hamilton. 92d Foot-Major J. AL. Forbes to be Lieut.-Col. without purchase ; Brevet Major M. K. Atheriey to be Major, vice Forbes ; Lieut. C. E. S. Gleig to be Capt. vice Atheriey ; Ensign G. W. Hamilton Viscount Kirkwall to be Lieut. vice Gleig. 94th Foot-MejorJ.Brown to be Lieut.-Col • without purchase ; Capt. W. D. Davenport to be Major, vice Brown ; Lieut. G. A. K.

D'Arcy to be Capt.vice Davenport ; Ensign U. Pratt to bo Lieut. vice D'Arcy.

2d West hallo Regt.-Alajor J. Allen to be Lieut.-Col. without purchase ; Capt. J. J. Peck to be Major, vice Allen ; Lieut. W. Anderson to be Capt. vice Peck ; Ensign C • J• G • Williams to be Lieut. vice Anderson. Commissions to bear date 9th Novem- ber 1846.

WAR-OPFICE, Nov. l3.-12th Light Drags.-P. T. Gunning, Cent. to be Assist•- Sarg. vice M'Intyre, appointed to the 261h Foot. 3d Foot-Hon. W• H. Lysaght to be Ensign, without purchase, vice M•Dennott, promoted In the 8th Foot. 5th Foot - Sergt.-Major C. Carter to be Second Lieut. without purchase, vice Boggle, pro- moted. 8th Foot-Ensign B. K. Iff•Dermott, from 3d Fout, to be Lieut• without purchase, vice Cox, dec. 10th Foot-Ensign G • T • Whitaker to be Atilt. vice Ciao- way, who resigns the Adjutancy only. 15th Foot-J. Lloyd, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Bontlne, appointed to the 2d Drags. 18th Foot-Assist.-Surg• J. Stewart to be Sum. vice G. Stewart, dec.; W. K. Chalmers, M.D. to be Assist.- Sorg. vice J. Stewart. 19th Foot-G. V. Macdonald, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Anderson, appointed to the 37th Foot. 26th Foot-Assist.-Surg• D. al'Intyre, N.D. from 12th Light Dragoons, to Le Assistant-Surgeon vice Home, promoted on Staff. 29th Foot-Captain /Eneas William Fraser, from 39th Foot, to be Captain, vice Wilbraham, who exchanges. 37th Foot-Lieut. Herbert Rua- sell Manners to be Captain without purchase, vice John Harvey, who retires upon full pay ; Ensign John Grattan Anderson, from 19th Foot, to be Ensign, without pur- chase. 39th Foot-Capt. T• W. Hudson, from 61st Foot, to be Capt. vice Atkinson, who exchanges ; Capt. T. E. Wilbraham, from 29th Foot, to be Capt. vice Fraser, who exchanges. 50th Foot-H- J. Hinds, Gent- to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Corr muck, dec. Gist Foot-Capt. J. S. Atkinson, from 39th Foot, to be Capt. vice Hud- son, who exchanges• 634 Foot-Ensign H. White to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Hughes, dec.; Ensign W. Hunt to be Lieut • without purchase, vice White. whose pro- motion on 25th Aug. 1846 has been cancelled. 67th Foot-G. A. M'Nalr, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Murray, promoted. 76th Foot-Ensign J• W. Presban to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Peel, who retires ; E. G. Gray, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Preston. 78th Foot-Ensign A. J. Robertson, how 92d Foot, to. be Enslgu, vice Sydeobam. 80th Foot-Ensign R. C.011phant, from the Royal Nowtbund. laud Companies, to be Lieut• without purchase, vice Kershaw, deceased. 92d Foot- W. J. Sfacdonald, Gent• to be Ensign without purchase, vice Robertson, appointed to the 78th Foot. 94th Foot-W. J. Bell, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Pratt, promoted.

2d West India Regt.-F. B. Foster, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Williams, promoted ; George Ellis, Geut• to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Limiest, deceased.

Hospital Staff-Assist •-Surg. W. Home, M.D. from 26th Foot, to be Staff Burg. of the Sec. Class, vice Garret, deceased.

[The Brevet Promotions in the Indian Army, as published in the Supplement to Friday's Gazette, will appear in the Spectator next week.]